Clear Mind Coach

Aron is a great embodied processing practitioner. I was thoroughly impressed by his expertise and approach. He has a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, and is truly passionate about what he does. I highly reccomend Aron’s genuine work to anyone who is looking to tap into their inner resources, gain clarity and seek personal growth! A wonderful facilitator!




Aron is a wonderful facilitator. He is warm, funny, very caring, and has a lovely way of expressing himself throughout the session. He made me feel completely safe and was respectful of my process, yet at the same time, offered great guidance at various stages. One of Aron’s super powers is that he sees in the best in people, and is so encouraging. He has learnt to weave his life-coaching skills with Embodied Processing  in a way that felt really natural and beneficial.




The shift generated during investigation and integration of difficult emotions in previous sessions with Aron, was truly palpable during today’s session as he safely guided me into my inner and higher – self, to receive and voice the answers required; regarding forward movement at this particular time in my healing journey.

Embodiment of inner peace experienced in today’s session was palpable; while making inner inquiries on the chronic condition of hypothyroidism and benign cysts on my thyroid gland; caused as a result of blocked creative expression and a consequence of dis-empowering cultural and transgenerational trauma attached to the female gender.

The release of my singing voice the next day after my last session with Aron, was phenomenal (after a long time of being “muted” due to prolonged grief with no real desire to sing/chant; other than subtle humming which kept me alive during the longest “night of the soul”) as well as the easing of intense physical symptoms of my throat and ears dissolving into a mild and rather pleasant sensation; confirming my inner knowing to “Trust” and continue releasing my singing voice (as a healing gift to myself, and a healing frequency in the world) as often as possible. 

Male and Female polarities were balanced and restored in today’s session as a result of “rising above guilt of hurting others and feeling the strength of my own power in using my voice to be my true self.

For this, I am forever grateful! 




Hi Aron! I have booked our next session! Just wanted to let you know that I’m feeling good! I have tried repeating to myself “I don’t belong” and I feel so much into myself… that I do belong, I belong to myself… I feel at peace. It was truly a very powerful session Aron!!! Kudos to you! you did wonderfully!!! THANK YOU


New Zealand


Each session allowed me to gain insight into myself and subconscious mind and definitely felt some healing with each one. One session in particular helped me with a big shift on something that has stopped me going forward in many areas. I am now feeling confident and prepared to move forward in my healing practice. I am even starting to attract more supportive people in my life.

Aron is such a supportive and knowledgeable therapist. I felt comfortable with him from my first session which is not common for me. I am so grateful for these sessions with Aron as they have changed my life.


Melbourne, Australia.


I was so confused in which direction I need to go before working with Aron. I never really thought so deeply and clearly about what I want to do with my life. Now I feel I have more confidence and hope to move forward towards making my dreams a reality.


Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


Thanks Aron for your guidance in bringing greater Clarity to my business. I now realize that you can get the desired results when you come from your clarity or come from stress. I also know you can have better results when your modus operandi is coming from your inner calmness to deal with business issues rather than stress.


Airmont N.Y.


I scheduled a Clear Mind Coaching session and experienced an INSTANT shift! Thank you, Aron, for helping me come out of a hopeless feeling and connecting to great energy!  Ugh! It was exactly what I needed.




I thank you for your time with me and you helped me with few important points about my problems and how to deal with them. Based on your knowledge and inspiration I can confidently say that the 6-month coaching package would definitely make a difference for anyone to have a better life.


Hyderabad, India


I felt so relaxed working with Aron that he was able to give me relief while he put me into this deep state of connection and relaxation, despite the troubles I was experiencing prior to learning about the principles behind a clear mind. I guess the essence of it is that Aron has this amazing capacity to really listen to people at a deep level which felt very therapeutic.




I was really depressed before working with Aron but he was able to help me look beyond the externalities of my problems and see the innate health that exists within me and every human being. This was a big help. Many thanks.




I found Aron when I was confused and hurting. I didn’t see a purpose in my life and seriously hated myself. As I stated talking to him I began to trust him and I let some of my walls down. He was so easy to talk to and he soon showed me that I have a purpose on this Earth. I just needed to trust my innate wisdom and tune into it. He’s spent so much time talking to me and explaining life to me. So, if you are in pain or need clarity in your life I’d highly recommend him.




I received a session from Aron for improving and upgrading my parenting style and abilities to a more peaceful one, with less reactiveness and frustration. I chose Aron to help me overcome these barriers because of his background and experience in this area. 

I know I made the right choice! He was easily able to guide me and help me uncover some old limiting beliefs that were surely holding me back and helped me to change my thinking and old thought patterns. He gave me new tactics of handling my shortcomings for a complete transformation and a new way to guide my thoughts which was included in my personalized recording. I wasn’t expecting to uncover such a powerful limiting belief, as this belief was prevalent in many areas in my life overall, and not just with my parenting abilities. Now that I have gained an understanding powerful enough to create change coupled with the tools to effortlessly transform it, it will automatically affect many areas of my life in such a wonderful way, not just dramatically improving my parenting style.

I am forever grateful for this and feel the results are priceless and helpful to no end. I now feel empowered and have a higher awareness of the way I dialogue with myself and a way to do it more effectively and in a supporting manner. Wow, I would recommend Aron to help anyone who is looking to gain understanding and awareness powerful enough to create quick, long lasting change and results. Forever grateful.



Hi Aron,

Thank you so much for the session on mindful eating. It’s something I’ve struggled with and I often found myself eating as a result of my emotions, often when I was bored or stressed. The session with you has helped me to understand why I snack constantly and you have given me the tools to deal with my feelings in other more productive ways. Now that I understand that I always used to feel small and insignificant, and subconsciously felt that I needed to be “bigger” to be respected, I can choose when and how much I eat. I can make better choices for myself. I have already noticed a huge change in my habits. Thank you!




My session with Aron was amazing! Not only was he so insightful and kind but hard to believe how quickly got results,With a long list of to do’s that had been getting put off were then done the next day and with had energy left over.So highly recommend giving yourself the gift of working with Aron.




I had an amazing session with Aron Gross…what an exploration of my beliefs…every part of the session executed with enthusiasm. Aron illuminated how I carried these beliefs and pattern about my relationship to money. It was an eye opener to understand that I unconsciously believed that I only deserved money when and if I was perfect. During the regression we went to scenes that helped me to understand that I had created that belief when I was a child.The session gave me remarkable new understanding of myself. And the Transformational recording he tailored for me… I LOVE it!If you are thinking about hiring Aron – do it. It WILL change your life forever !Thank you so much Aron




I was disorganised, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind having problems with my friendships that never got resolved.I was very self consciousness of myself because I didn’t think I would be accepted socially by my friends and peers. It made me a lot more quiet and not willing to take risks in my communications because I was afraid of me rejected by my peers.Now I don’t feel nearly anywhere as self conscious. I have taken risks in different things I would have never dared to do before and things have worked better than I even imagined and it feels amazing to have come so far.




I approached Aron because my relationship was really a mess. I felt scared of losing someone that is very precious to me and Aron helped me clarify that he might actually be my soul mate!

He helped me by asking me some deep enlightening questions that let me see how I might be sabotaging my relationship with my partner by pushing him down in order to empower myself. One thing I really liked was how he helped me realize that it may be empowering me in the short term but it is actually a self sabotaging pattern that has destroyed my past relationships.

The realization was very uplifting knowing that I can turn this around. I found the experience to be truly enlightening and transformational to my life.

I would recommend Aron to anyone who needs help in their relationships because I like many others didn’t realize how we can innocently destroy what we truly love.

The whole experience was a real wake up call for me. Thanks for helping me save what I truly treasure.




My name  is Nadia Singer. I am a psychologist. I reached out to Aron as my relationship was not in a good  place. The initial call touched on so many things about my life and my whole being that resonated with me on a deep level. His kindness compassion and true love for helping others shine was evident and very comforting. His approach is honest raw and very encouraging and nurturing. If you are looking for a coach who is devoted to see you grow, Aron is your man.