Clear Mind Coach


I am here to do…

The BIG work as a certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and trained in Somatic Healing Therapy.

The real, scary, fun exciting and deep stuff that will change your relationships and life forever.

To take you to places you never knew existed or thought possible.

To hold you to a higher standard…because you deserve it.

I serve people who care to serve others; influencers, change-makers, innovators.

You’re transformation is the reason I wake up.

I listen very carefully and I don’t make promises, I create breakthroughs.

I hack beliefs and build new realities…but only if you’re willing to do the work.

I say the things no one else will say. I am not your “yes man”.

I show up and play full out.

I see all of you and trust you have the answers.

I have faith in you even if there are times you don’t.

I serve powerfully with love, honesty, insight, inspiration and passion.

That’s my pledge to you. 

Beyond past hurts lies a wellspring of limitless potential awaiting you. Through powerful somatic transformation, you can process the impacts of trauma and rediscover your radiant core essence. Achieve your wellness goals, exceed your expectations, and cultivate a peaceful, resilient life. Ready to unleash your “superpower”?

What to Expect 

Here’s what happens in a coaching session. We’ll get on a call, I’ll ask questions to identify your objectives and any blocks in your way. Then we’ll create an action plan with specific steps. You already have many answers within you.

We’ll go through a process using tools that help us focus, make tough decisions, and determine the best approach for achieving your desired results.

We all have superpowers. Mine is helping you find and use yours to change the world for the better. These gifts aren’t obvious, but I can guide you to identify yours. We often assume others can do what comes naturally to us, blinding us to our own unique capabilities.

Helping people discover their innate gifts brings me great joy. I find fulfillment in supporting you to overcome subconscious blocks, allowing your gifts to uplift the world. If you’re interested in this journey of self-discovery, I’d be honored to guide you.

Heal Your Past, Unleash Your Potential
Past traumas and subconscious blocks can hold you back from vibrant health and inner peace. Through powerful somatic transformation, you can overcome hurdles, achieve wellness goals, and cultivate a thriving life.

Uncover Your Innate Healing Capacity
We’ll identify the root causes underlying your challenges – physical, emotional or energetic. Together, we’ll gently process subconscious traumas in your cellular memory.

Our process taps into your ability to self-heal through somatic exercises, mindfulness, and compassionate inquiry. While challenging, I’ll support you in overcoming what’s been holding you back.

If you’re ready to confront blocks, reclaim health, and unlock your potential, book a free consultation by clicking on the button. Let’s embark on this powerful healing journey together!