Clear Mind Coach

Release Subconscious
Behaviors, Limiting Beliefs
and Past Traumas
That Block You From Moving
Forward In Life
Clear Mind Coaching
Somatic Healing

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Besides face-to-face sessions, I offer Zoom or Google Meet sessions & work with clients all over the world
so you can start to release your truamas that
self sabotage your life to finally
have happiness & success
you deserve

Would You Like To Discover

How To Stay More Calm And Collected During The “Storm” Of Life And not Only Come Out Alive but Thrive?

Why We Self Sabotage Ourselves Without Even Realising It.

Discover and Uncover The Hidden Traumas and Self Sabbotage Patters we all have?

What To Do When You Keep Telling Yourself “Something Is Wrong With Me.

What To Do When You Feel A Lack Of Clarity In Your Life and Purpose.

Why So Many People Struggle and Fail And How To Turn It Around.

Why You Procrastinate, self-sabotage and suffer from self-doubt?

How To Stop Listening To Your Inner Voice When It Tells You “I’m not good/smart/capable, worthy enough?”

How To overcome Fear of Failure, Rejection, Being Judged, Lack of Confidence & suffer from ‘Not Enoughness?’

Why You Argue with yourself and those you love around you?

Together we will

1. Create A Crystal Clear Vision of how your ideal life will be

2. Uncover hidden Challenges that are eluding you from the deep connection you seek

3. Feel Renewed, Re-energised and Inspired to have more meaningful life without the headaches and arguments.

Clear Mind Coaching and Embodied Processing is a deliberate process utilizing focused conversations to create an environment that is safe and ripe for individual growth, purposeful action, and sustained improvement. Its designed to help you focus on what you need to do more and less of in either or all domains of your life. This takes you to the next level of your inner game, the Body, Emotions, Mind, and your outer game of Environment, Relationships and Ideas. 

We are all unique with different needs, wants and desires. I tailor every session to address each client’s particular issue or challenge so they get the insights on how to move forward so they can have healthier and long lasting, meaningful life.

Don't take our word for it

Aron is a wonderful facilitator. He is warm, funny, very caring, and has a lovely way of expressing himself throughout the session. He made me feel completely safe and was respectful of my process, yet at the same time, offered great guidance at various stages. One of Aron's super powers is that he sees in the best in people, and is so encouraging. He has learnt to weave his life-coaching skills with Embodied Processing in a way that felt really natural and beneficial.
Hi Aron! I have booked our next session! Just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling good! I have tried repeating to myself "I don't belong" and I feel so much into myself... that I do belong, I belong to myself... I feel at peace. It was truly a very powerful session Aron!!! Kudos to you! you did wonderfully!!! THANK YOU
New Zealand
I was so confused in which direction I need to go before working with Aron. I never really thought so deeply and clearly about what I want to do with my life. Now I feel I have more confidence and hope to move forward towards making my dreams a reality.
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
I scheduled a Clear Mind Coaching session and experienced an INSTANT shift! Thank you, Aron, for helping me come out of a hopeless feeling and connecting to great energy! Ugh! It was exactly what I needed.
I thank you for your time with me and you helped me with few important points about my problems and how to deal with them. Based on your knowledge and inspiration I can confidently say that the 6-month coaching package would definitely make a difference for anyone to have a better life.
Hyderabad, India
I felt so relaxed working with Aron that he was able to give me relief while he put me into this deep state of connection and relaxation, despite the troubles I was experiencing prior to learning about the principles behind a clear mind. I guess the essence of it is that Aron has this amazing capacity to really listen to people at a deep level which felt very therapeutic.