Clear Mind Coach

Congratulations! You’re Registered!


This Webinar Class is for people who are serious about stopping the suffering & start having loving, long lasting meaningful relationships


(NOTHING for sale)

1. Look for a “confirmation email”…in your Email Inbox/Spam/Trash folder right now. If you can’t find it, you won’t beable to attend the Webinar. Email me on to ensure you get the details on how to attend. 

2. Block out 60 minutes: 

Make sure you block out a nice and easy 60-minutes for this delayed broadcast of my LIVE class. It’s a good idea to put a sticky note on your computer as a reminder. 

3. Show up early: 

Make sure you attend live and show up at least 5 minutes early. The software we use has an attendee limit and with lots of people registered, we fill up fast.

4. Join my Private Facebook Group

~ “Relationship Resilience”…so I can help you for free to create more meaningful and loving all human beings crave for. Just click the blue text link above for FREE.

See you on the Webinar! (SHH I have a surprise gift for you on the class, but keep that to yourself as I really put a lot of work into this and it will be my gift to you for showing up.