Clear Mind Coach

The Stress Scale How to Tip It In Your Favor And Finally Feel Calm

find out how to tip the stress scales in your favour

Tip the Scales To Finally Break Free From the Vicious Stress Cycle
Is feeling stressed out your constant companion? Do you ever wonder if there’s a way to shift the balance and finally feel calm? If so, this post is for you. We’ll explore the concept of the Stress Scale and how to build your capacity to handle stress, tipping the scales in your favor for lasting peace of mind.

The Stress Scale Metaphor
Imagine scales with a heavy weight on one side representing all the stress piling up in your life from past baggage and the nonstop grind of each day. On the other side is a tiny pebble representing your ability to deal with and work through that stress. For most of us, our coping skills are completely outmatched by the immense stress weight... Ouch. 

This imbalance creates a vicious cycle where the unchecked stress keeps growing bigger and heavier, making it harder to handle. You’re trapped in an endless loop of having more than you can carry, so the burden inevitably gets heavier with no reprieve. That’s why so many of us feel stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious despite our best efforts.

My Personal Experience
As a kid, I was always stressed at school, living in a world where nothing made sense. The world around me gave up on me since I couldn’t understand anything, so I gave up too. A big part was not believing in myself and lacking the confidence to try without being scared to fail. I was caught in mental loops telling myself how dumb I was, giving up before even trying. On top of that, I faced physical beatings for not being able to do the work, creating even more traumatic stress on top of everything else that wasn’t work. What a horrible way to live. 

This imbalance creates a vicious cycle where the unchecked stress keeps growing bigger and heavier, making it harder to handle. You’re trapped in an endless loop of having more than you can carry, so the burden inevitably gets heavier with no reprieve. That’s why so many of us feel stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious despite our best efforts.

The Healing Process
The way I healed from these traumatic experiences was to stay present, hold onto my identity while fully experiencing these energies.

Restoring Equilibrium
The key to achieving that elusive equilibrium is to slowly digest past stressful experiences while growing your capacity to meet challenges with less stress.

Expanding Your Window of Tolerance
As you metabolize previous stressors, your window of tolerance expands. You build resilience to tolerate stress, emotions, and challenging situations.

Unveiling Imprints From the Past
Past traumas can create lasting imprints that keep us stuck in dysfunctional patterns. These imprints shape our behaviors and perceptions moving forward.

Your Path to Thriving 
If any of this resonates and you want to feel balanced and in control, there’s a path. It starts with committing to your healing and growth.

I can guide you on this journey. We’ll work at a comfortable pace, helping you build resilience to truly thrive. If this resonates with you, schedule an introductory session to explore how somatic healing and coaching can free you. Just click on this link to book in for a free consultation while I’m still giving them and lets begin to turn your life around for greater control in your life to bring back that power of choice to you.

And for a really deep dive into tipping the scales on stress, you just have to check out the full video walkthrough here as it will help you better understand the message I’m trying to imprart in this short blog post. I really put a lot of work into this to explain it as well as I can. So just click here to have a look at what I am talking about. 

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