Clear Mind Coach

Do you ever find that you argue with your partner or friends to the point of tears? Well, I would do that too in my …

Have you ever found yourself holding on real tight to things? It can often be very pressuring and frustrating as well as restrictive. Experiment I …

When was the last time you listened to yourself in a deep way? We’re always listening to the advice of others. However, when was the …

Beating ourselves up It’s so common for us to beat ourselves up over just about everything.I certainly did as a kid growing up and even …

Happiness is like a Boomerang If you know anything about Australia besides our Koalas and Kangaroos which I have hardly ever seen except for when I …

The roller coaster of life Welcome to the roller coaster called life! If you can breathe and you can read this, then most probably your …

The first big change that occurred when I learned the principles behind a clear mind    One of the first things that changed for me …

You need to see it my way! We often find ourselves at wit’s end trying to get the other person to see our perspective, our …

The Paradox of Results

The Paradox of Results The paradox of results is that the less attached you are to the outcome, the higher the chance you have of …

Happiness without forgiveness I know it sounds unusual, but you can find happiness even when you don’t always forgive. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m …

If we fall into the misunderstanding that our agitated feelings are caused by other people, then we’re more likely to experience resentment, hostility and have …

  It’s just a bunch of thoughts When we realize that all we are holding onto in our mind is just a bunch of thoughts, …