Clear Mind Coach


moving from traumatic stifling pain and failure to freedom and happiness

Finding Freedom and Clarity Through Embracing the Journey: How Trauma Can Forge Our Greatness We are all born into this world with a unique path to walk. This path, inevitably, will be filled with struggles and challenges. It’s tempting to view these hardships as roadblocks, hindrances to our happiness and fulfilment. However, what if we […]

Honor the Struggle

We all have our own struggles. Man was born to struggle and maybe the reason is to allow us to level up and go higher to the next experience of our own greatness. Therefore, honor the struggle, honor the hardships of getting better and stop hating the hardships of getting better. If you constantly apply […]

How to transform the broken pieces within our lives to the masterpiece we really are. Learn how to transform the broken pieces we all have in our lives from time to time and discover the magical masterpiece that exists within you, me, and everyone around you. Have you ever found yourself truly broken inside and just felt the injustice, the unfairness of it all? Find out how to take […]

There are some things that can’t be understood by the head and only by the heart

      Listen for a feeling There are things that work great when listening without our rational analytical mind. And that’s really useful and important. But when communicating effectively with people we need to be willing to listen beyond the words. Syd Banks would always say, “don’t listen to my words, listen for a […]

How to get out of toxic relationships and building lasting and meaningful ones I’ve just created this video on how we function in the world. You might be asking, “Well what does that have to do with my relationships?” The answer is everything! When you operate from a perspective of knowing yourself and how we psychologically function, it can have dramatic effects for the better in all […]

Reaching out with unconditional love

The first thing they tell you when it comes to oxygen masks It’s very exciting when traveling with family overseas although exhausting and one of the first things they talk to you about is passenger safety. When they were going through the procedures of fitting the oxygen masks they first tell you to put on […]

You are a star too

There are times we get down. Life catches up to all of us from time to time. The challenge is not falling over and getting down. That happens again and again and will happen again to all of us.  The question is; are you willing to get back up and keep going and not allow […]

Freedom from the Prison of our thoughts

We create our own prison bars through the restricting thoughts we have about life. Even animals do as well.  When Elephants are very young they are roughhoused through play wrestling with their masters.  Because they are very small when this is done, they remember this throughout their lives to such an extent that even when […]

How to stop the tears and build a great relationship

Do you ever find that you argue with your partner or friends to the point of tears? Well, I would do that too in my earlier years before learning the principles behind a clear mind.  The Separate Realities we all live in We all live in our own understanding of what we see and hence think […]