Clear Mind Coach

6 Simple Somatic Exercises To Change Your Life Forever

Learn how to create a safe space in your body and guard yourself from stress and tame the nervous system

Shrink Your Stress, Grow Your Brain:  6 Powerful Techniques to Create a Safe Space IntroductionDid you know that chronic stress can actually shrink your brain? It’s true! The constant flood of stress hormones can reduce the size of your hippocampus, the area responsible for memory and learning. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg […]

Healing Trauma: Embracing Inner Strength

When you tap into your inner strength you will be also healing your traumatic past which will lead to all kinds of benefits in both your professional and personal life.

Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of replaying painful memories? You’re not alone. We all have moments that haunt us, but what if I told you there’s a way to break free and tap into your hidden resilience? In my latest video, I dive deep into the world of emotional healing and personal […]

Overcoming My “Educational Death Sentence” and How You Can Transform Your Life

Being told that you're bad at such a younge age is the equivalent of an educational death execution

Overcoming My “Educational Death Sentence” and How You Can Transform Your LifeHave you ever experienced a trauma so devastating that it shaped your entire self-perception for years to come? For me, that defining moment happened when I was only 6 years old. I received what I call an “educational death sentence” in the first grade […]

The Shocking Truth: How Childhood Trauma Affects Us As Adults

Childhood trauma, including abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, can lead to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and dysfunctional relationships in adulthood.

It’s astounding to learn that over 70% of adults in the US have experienced some form of trauma. These experiences shape our adult lives in profound ways, impacting our mental health, decisions, and relationships. The Invisible Scars of Childhood Childhood trauma is not just a one-time event; it can leave lasting imprints on our lives. […]

Healing Your Nervous System: The Key to Overcoming Trauma

Healing your nervous system through somatic therapy healing exercises

We all experience trauma in our lives, whether a single overwhelming event or ongoing stressful situations like discrimination, poverty, or emotional neglect. These experiences get imprinted into our nervous systems, even if our conscious minds don’t fully remember them. The signs that unresolved trauma is dysregulating your nervous system include feeling on edge, struggling with […]

The Stress Scale How to Tip It In Your Favor And Finally Feel Calm

find out how to tip the stress scales in your favour

Tip the Scales To Finally Break Free From the Vicious Stress CycleIs feeling stressed out your constant companion? Do you ever wonder if there’s a way to shift the balance and finally feel calm? If so, this post is for you. We’ll explore the concept of the Stress Scale and how to build your capacity […]

How to React Rather Than to Respond Emotionally

a powerful technique to respond calmly to pressure instead of reacting impulsively.

We’ve all been there – something triggers us, and before we know it, we’re reacting emotionally instead of responding thoughtfully. The fast pace of modern life often leaves us feeling overwhelmed, making it difficult to keep our cool in challenging situations. But what if there was a way to pause, get in touch with your […]

What is Somatic Healing and Coaching

Rewrite Your Story: Healing Your Past to Unlock Your Future Feeling stuck in the past? Like old patterns are holding you back from the life you want? I get it. We all carry baggage, and sometimes it feels like it’s weighing us down. But listen, as your coach and somatic healer, I see a different […]

My Story

My Story of how I got to where I am today

My Story Youth As a young child I always struggled in school. I could never understand what was going on in class. My parents were war torn survivors that barely survived world war 2 and they finally made it to Australia. They loved me so much but didn’t have the greatest parental skills in the […]


moving from traumatic stifling pain and failure to freedom and happiness

Finding Freedom and Clarity Through Embracing the Journey: How Trauma Can Forge Our Greatness We are all born into this world with a unique path to walk. This path, inevitably, will be filled with struggles and challenges. It’s tempting to view these hardships as roadblocks, hindrances to our happiness and fulfilment. However, what if we […]